Foundations pt11 – Jesus is Healer

Foundations pt11—Jesus is Healer

[Heb 6:1-3 NASB95]

[Act 10:38 NASB95]

[Mat 4:23-24 NASB95]

[Mat 9:35 NASB95]

[Heb 13:8 NASB95] 8 Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday and today and forever.

Jesus cares deeply about our plight on earth. He cares about every aspect including the pain and suffering we live with daily.

Jesus’ earthly ministry greatly involved healing people. His death, resurrection, and ascension made divine physical healing available.

What are some important aspects of knowing Jesus is healer?

Here are 7 important things to know about healing.



[1Ti 5:23 NASB95]

[2Ki 20:7 NASB95]

Supernatural – numerous references – spiritual laws must be applied.


Care for the temple – [1Co 6:19 NASB95]

Care for others –

Mark 16:18 – just as we are commanded to preach the Gospel, we are commanded to lay hands on the sick


Some instant – Woman with the issue of blood

Some progressive

[Luk 17:14 NASB95]

[Mar 8:23-25 NASB95]


Gifts of Healings – as the Spirit wills – I Corinthians 12:7-11

Live by faith – as we respond –

[Heb 10:36-38 NASB95]

[Mar 11:22-24 NASB95]

Authority – [Luk 5:24 NASB95]

If He can forgive sin.

He can heal sickness.

Atonement – Isaiah 53:4 & Matthew 8:16-17; Psalm 103; James 5:14-15

He paid for your sin.

He paid for your healing.

Hearing the preached Word can help you receive healing.

The Word is medicine. [Pro 4:20-22 NASB95]

Hear and be healed.

[Luk 5:15 NASB95]

[Luk 6:17-18 NASB95]

Jesus healed while on earth and has made healing available to every person who calls on Him in faith.

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