Days of Elijah pt2 – Five Elements of Continual Supply

Days of Elijah pt2—Five Elements of Continual Supply

[Jas 5:17 NASB95] 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.

[1Ki 17:7-16 NASB95]

It’s easy to prosper when everything is favorable. God wants you to enjoy continual supply in any environment.

Here, in Elijah’s second miracle story, we see a supernatural continual supply.

What are the elements of the continual supply in Elijah’s life?

Here are five elements of continual supply.

Be willing to change when God directs you to change.

V. 7-8 – Then the word of the LORD…

The venue change did not occur because of circumstance but because of direction.

We must be willing to change and do something different when God says.

Notice: Elijah did not change just because the water dried up.

Seek God, not circumstances. Make changes when He tells you, not when circumstances change.


V. 9 – there to provide for you.

Supernatural supply comes when we are there.

BE – as far as fully bought in. [Isa 1:19 NASB95]

“There” = find your grace and get in your place.

Recognize that “there” might not look like a place of continual supply.

V. 9-10 – the widow gathering sticks.

Most people would not want a widow to be a supply source.

Remember, it is not only about you.

V. 10-13 – for you and your son

[Pro 11:25 NASB95]

Your giving opens the door to continual supply.

V. 14-16

[Pro 3:10-11 NASB95]

[Luk 6:38 NASB95]

[Phl 4:18-19 NASB95]

How to become a giver?

Tithe. To God. Ten percent of income.

Offerings. To God. Any amount.

Alms. To the poor. Any amount.

In any environment, God wants us to enjoy continual supply as we make changes at His direction, find our place, give ourselves wholeheartedly to His call, be a blessing to others, and become cheerful givers.

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