Times Two pt6 – You Will Embrace His Promise

Times Two pt6—You Will Embrace His Promise

[2Ki 4:8-17 NASB95]

That is too good to be true.

This woman did not want to get her hopes up. Yet, she was able to embrace her son.

What does this story tell us about experiencing His promises in our lives?

Here are three truths about us experiencing His promises in our lives.

God wants us to give.

V. 8

Being a giver is one of the ways to receive the blessing. [3Jo 1:2, 5-8 NASB95]

We give of our time, talent, and treasure.

[2Co 9:6-8 NASB95]

Decide to become a giver.

God wants us to honor.

V. 9-11

The Thessalonians honored the word that Paul preached. It was the Word that they honored from him that was effective. [1Th 2:13 NASB95]

What you honor, you will receive from.

How can you honor God? How can you honor family? How can you honor church/leadership?

Make a decision to honor God, His ways, and His people.

God wants us to embrace His promise.

V. 12-17

God has made a promise. [Exo 23:22, 25-26 NASB95]

When we do our part, God will do His. [Heb 6:10-12 NASB95]

Dare to believe the promises of God. She had a hard time believing.

Timing. Promise—- Period of time—- Performance of promise.

God is not trying to frustrate you. He will do His part, even if you do not have “perfect faith.”

This was not an immaculate conception. They had their part in this miracle.

Get ready to embrace your promise.

As you give and honor God, you will embrace every promise God has made to you.

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