How to Labor in Prayer for Breakthrough

How to Labor in Prayer for Breakthrough

[Col 4:12 NASB95]

Lazy, passionless prayer is not a NT kind of praying.

Αγωνιζομενος – agonizing

JFB – “literally, ‘striving as in the agony of a contest.’”

LITS – “In other words, the disciple had learned well from his mentor and was now modeling the kind of prayer activity that Paul wanted to see reproduced in the life of the Colossian congregation.”

Fire Bible notes: We must pray with passion and inner persistence, knowing that as we wrestle in prayer, Christ’s energy is working powerfully in us (cf. 1:29) and his purposes are being realized on behalf of others.

What does laboring in prayer for a breakthrough involve?

Here are three things to consider about laboring in prayer for a breakthrough.

OT example of laboring in prayer for breakthrough.

Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. [1Sa 1:10, 12-13, 15, 17 NASB95]

Learning to pray from a sense of urgency helps us to birth a breakthrough.

NT example of laboring in prayer for breakthrough.

Jesus’ prayer life.

[Heb 5:7 NASB95]

[Mar 1:35-39 NASB95]

Jesus’ earthly ministry and life serves as an example of how we NT believers are expected to live. This includes His prayer life.

Three principles of laboring in prayer for breakthrough.

The FIT principle



[2Co 4:16 NASB95]

[Psa 55:17 NASB95]

[1Th 5:16-17 NASB95]


[Lev 6:12-13 NASB95]



[Jas 5:16 NASB95]


[Act 16:13 NASB95]



[Mar 14:37-38 NASB95]

[Act 3:1 NASB95]


[Luk 11:1-2 NASB95]

Pattern – keep you focused and covers what needs to be covered.

Preference – Sing, write, speak.

God wants us to labor in prayer to Him so we and others can experience a breakthrough.

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