Acts Pt4—From Organic To Organized

Acts Pt4—From Organic To Organized

Acts 2:37-47

[Act 2:42 NASB95] 42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

The church was built upon more than mystical experiences.

What helped the church go from that experience to an established church?

There are four aspects of the church that helped them go from the outpouring to an ongoing establishment of the church.

Devoted to apostles’ teaching.

Acts 4:2; 5:25,28, 42; 15:35; 18:11; 20:20; 28:31 (last verse in Acts is preaching and teaching.)

[Act 15:35 NASB95]

[Act 18:11 NASB95]

[Act 20:20 NASB95]

[Act 28:31 NASB95]

Bible teaching and preaching will consist of new revelation and constant reminders.

Teaching and preaching was central to the life of the church in Acts. Church history would verify that teaching and preaching has been part of the growth and development of the church.

Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you to value and receive teaching and preaching of the Bible.

Devoted to fellowship.

Stanley Horton, “God never saves us to wander by ourselves.

[Act 2:46 NASB95]

[Eph 4:11-12 NASB95]

More than meeting together. There was a partnership.

Unity in purpose. Not just the Apostles were committed.

Devoted to the breaking of bread.

The Lord’s Supper and table fellowship. Paul possibly stopped it in 1 Corinthians 11:22.

[Act 2:46 NASB95]

[1Co 11:20-22 NASB95]

Devoted to prayer.

[Act 1:14 NASB95]

[Act 3:1 NASB95]

· What devoted are you to the teaching, fellowship, communion, and prayer as a church?

· Are these important to you as part of the church? Or are you a lone ranger?

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