Days of Elijah pt1 – Obscure People Do Amazing Things

Days of Elijah pt1—God Uses Obscure People to Do Amazing Miracles

[Jas 5:17 NASB95]

[1Ki 17:1-7 NASB95]

Some people believe that President Trump is being mistreated by the government through lawfare. Many experts agree. It causes some to think that we are powerless against an adversarial government.

Whether it’s large-scale national governmental direction or individual lives, people can feel powerless to face the opposition.

This summer, we are focusing on miracles in the lives of Elijah and Elisha.

What is a miracle? Definition: a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. (Oxford Dictionary)

As we renew our minds to God’s miracle power by focusing on the miracles He did through these men, faith will arise, and we will experience miracles. God did not leave us powerless.

What do we learn about God using obscure people to do extraordinary miracles from I Kings 17:1-7?

Here are five lessons we learned about God using obscure people to do extraordinary miracles.

God wants to use obscure people to do extraordinary things.


Who? From where? We have no background information about Elijah. He came out of nowhere.

James 5 – mentions that he was a man with “a nature like ours.” He did not have a miracle conception, nor was he divine. He was a human.

[1Co 1:26-29 NASB95]

Quit saying that you are not enough. God will use you as you trust Him.

Know that God can use anyone to do amazing things, including you.

God wants to be alive to us and served by us.


Elijah lived as though God was alive. He served God as the Lord of his life.

Paul points out these “foolish” ones as having their identity in Christ. [1Co 1:30-31 NASB95]

Our identity must come from our belief that God is real and that we have surrendered to Him.

Christianity is not about getting God to bless our plans, but we surrender to His plans.

God wants us to use His authority to combat our environment.

V. 1

[Luk 10:19-20 NASB95]

Use the authority.

Remember, it comes from your relationship with a God of grace and mercy.

God does not want you to be a victim. We are not powerless.

Use the authority that comes from being a believer to stand against the forces of darkness in this world.

God wants to guide us.


God guided this man every step of the way.

[Psa 37:23 NASB95]

You are not a victim. Your life is not dictated at the whim of man or government.

Trust that God’s ability to speak to you is bigger than your inability to hear Him.

If you call on Him, He will tell you where to go.

God wants to provide for us.

V. 4-7

Elijah not only angered King Ahab but also, due to his word concerning a lack of rain, there are no provisions for him to get his needs met.

Yet, Elijah’s obedience opened the door for provision and prosperity.

Notice “THERE.” Supernatural provision is THERE.

[Isa 1:19 NASB95]

As you consent (become willing) and obey, you will be well provided with the best.

God wants to use ordinary people to do extraordinary miracles as we live for Him, release His authority, follow His direction, and trust in His provision for us.

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