Days of Elijah pt4 – Honor Marks You for a Miracle

Days of Elijah pt4—Honor Marks You for a Miracle

[Jas 5:17 NASB95]

[1Ki 17:24 NASB95]

[Luk 4:22-27 NASB95]

Why did the woman get the miracles she received? Was it random? Or was there a reason?

Jesus said that she honored Elijah as a prophet. That is why she received the miracles. When you look at this situation comprehensively, He said this in reference to why He could not do any mighty works. (See also Matthew 13:57-58 and Mark 6:4-5)

They were familiar with Him.

Honor will include the people (leadership), place (house of God), and principles (methods) of God.

We live in a culture of dishonor. Many of us do not know about honor. We need to grow in this area.

Since honor marks us for a miracle, what must we consider about honor?

Here are four important things to know about honor.

Honor those over you in the Lord.

[1Th 5:12-13 NASB95]

“In the family of God, we are all equal. In the Kingdom of God, there is a hierarchy.” Debbie Shaut.

[Heb 13:7, 17 NASB95]

[1Ti 5:17 NASB95]

There needs to be recognition that God has placed people over us in the Lord.

Honor the office.

[Eph 4:11 NASB95]

“Paul revered the office.” (Kenneth Hagin, Biblical Keys to Financial Prosperity) [Act 23:4-5 NASB95]

What about titles?

Jesus –

[Mat 23:8-10 NASB95]

David Guzik – From the rest of Scripture, we can see that Jesus did not intend this as an absolute prohibition, rather as speaking to the heart that loves, collects, and cherishes such titles. We know this because, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, godly men spoke of themselves with some of these titles.

John – John did not contradict Jesus.

[1Jo 2:13-14 NASB95]

[3Jo 1:4 NASB95]

Paul –

Called Abraham, father of us all. [Rom 4:16 NASB95]

[1Ti 2:7 NASB95]

[Tit 1:4 NASB95]

[2Ti 1:11 NASB95]

[1Co 9:2 NASB95]

Jesus was teaching against people who were not genuine fathers, teachers, or leaders. Those positions are God-ordained, not people-ordained. They need to be legitimate. “That which he forbids is, 1. An affectation of such titles, and hunting after them. 2. Rom tituli, the exercise of an absolute mastership, or a paternal, absolute power.” (Poole)

Honoring the offices that Jesus instituted is important.

Quick word of note: There is an appropriate way to rebuke a leader. [1Ti 5:19 NASB95]

Honor opens the door for the blessing of God.

Jesus points out that the woman was blessed because she honored the prophet. She obeyed the Word of the Lord by giving to him and made a room for him in her house.

[3Jo 1:2-8 NASB95]

When we honor the people of God in our lives, blessings follow.

Honor manifests in several ways.

Speaking good, not evil.

Serving with obedience and joy.

Shares financially.

[1Co 9:7-14 NASB95]

[Gal 6:6 NASB95]

Honoring the people of God will mark you for a miracle.

Ask the Holy Spirit how to honor those He has placed in our lives better.

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