Days of Elijah pt7 – From Breakdown To Breakthrough

Days of Elijah pt7—From Breakdown To Breakthrough

[Jas 5:17 NASB95] 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours…

[1Ki 19:1-21 NASB95]

Sometimes, powerful people of God are not ok.

Elijah was fresh off the victories of calling fire from heaven, defeating the prophets of Baal, and praying for a drought-ending rain. Now, he is praying for God to end his life.

God comforted Elijah and helped him overcome his breakdown to finish his purpose.

What should we consider as we overcome the breakdowns to finish God’s purpose?

Here are seven considerations for overcoming emotional breakdowns.

Remember that powerful people deal with breakdowns.

James tells us that Elijah had a nature like ours.

[2Co 1:8-11 NASB95]

Just because you are dealing with an emotional breakdown, it does not mean you are weak, just human.

Do not underestimate the negative effect of being unwell emotionally.

V. 3-4, 9, 13 – Fear caused Elijah to run away. He wanted to die. He was not where God wanted him to be.

Being unwell emotionally is not something to ignore. The enemy wants to steal what God has for you. Ignoring the problem is the fastest way to being destroyed.

Jesus went to the cross for your mental health. Isaiah 53:4-5. Why? It is important.

Being unwell emotionally affects your relationships and your future.

Be self-aware. Be active in getting well. Be willing to get help from someone if needed. (Dr. Michael Gannon says three days.)

Taking care of your physical needs is important to overcoming breakdowns.

V.5-8 – He slept, ate, and drank.

Taking care of your body is very important to emotional health.

Eating properly. Drinking water. Sleeping. Exercising. Supplementation.

And yes, on rare occasions, taking medicine is acceptable.

Learn to grow in your interaction with God.

V.11-12 Elijah had to grow in his understanding of hearing God.

Sometimes, God is in the fire, wind, and earthquakes. Elijah knew God in those ways. He did not know God in the gentle blowing.

Allow your walk with God to grow beyond your current understanding of God.

Keep your mind on His Word and call on your life.

V.13 & 15-18 – He wrapped his head in his mantle. He gave himself over to what God called him to do.

The mantel represents God’s call on his life and, to some extent, the Word of God.

[Col 3:2 NASB95]

You need to choose what you’re thinking about to have peace.

Focus on God’s Word and His call on you.

Stand against the outside forces that affect your mind.

V. 14 Elijah was surrounded by evil people and a demonically inspired leader (Jezebel.)

Two outside forces:

Who you hang out with will affect you. Relationships with people affect you. [2Co 6:14-15 NASB95]

Demons affect us. [Rev 2:20 NASB95]

Invest in relationships with Godly people and resist demons that negatively affect you.

Take hold of God’s promise of peace.

Not in this passage, but implied.

[Phl 4:6-7 NASB95]

God’s peace is available. It will not be forced upon you. You will have to take it by force.

God comforts us when we have emotional breakdowns and will help us to overcome them to fulfill His purpose.

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