Foundations pt6 – Learn to Die, Learn to Live

Foundations pt6—Learn to Die; Learn to Live

[Heb 6:1-3 NASB95]

[1Co 15:55-58 NASB95]

Death is brutal. We hate it. We don’t understand it even when we know it will happen. Not understanding how to deal with death will hurt us.

My experience with my father’s death and subsequent fear of death. Christ helped me. I am not afraid to die. Additionally, I know how to live.

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul is explaining to the Corinthians Christians about the death of those who have died (sleep: NT for a Christian death. 1 Cor 15:18; 1 Thess 4:13; Jn 11:11). He is saying that death is not the end. There is a resurrection of the dead.

He answers their question about what happens when a person dies before the return of Christ. [1Co 15:18 NASB95]

Note: the resurrection of the dead is not the same as raising someone from the dead. Raising someone from the dead is about this life. The resurrection of the dead is about life after death in the next life.

Note: Not dealing with [1Co 15:29 NASB95]

Paul did not confirm or condemn it. Makes no other mention of it.

A huge amount of theories. Two make sense to me: 1. People were baptized with the hope of seeing a dead loved one. 2. The “dead” is Christ, with Paul’s argument that some say Christ is not risen, but they are baptized for (or because of) Him. So they would then be baptized for Someone (Jesus) who is dead if they do not believe in the resurrection.

This is foundational to the Christian faith. There is life after this life. Death is an enemy; however, for the Christian, it is the door to the life God has for you.

What do we need to understand about the resurrection of the dead that will help us to live?

Here are three points about the resurrection of the dead that will help you to live.

The resurrection of the dead is based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ resurrection is proof of the resurrection of the dead.

[1Co 15:3-19 NASB95]

Ask the Holy Spirit to make the resurrection of Jesus real to you. Not just information you agree with but a revelation that will affect you.

The resurrection of the dead looks forward to the rapture of Jesus Christ.

[1Co 15:23 NASB95]

[1Th 4:16 NASB95]

[Jhn 14:1-3 NASB95]

The resurrection of the dead affects our life in Jesus Christ.

Here are five ways the resurrection of the dead affects our lives.

We do not have to fear death.

Death must happen. [1Co 15:42-54 NASB95]

Death is not a defeat. [1Co 15:54-57 NASB95]

Death is an open door to the fulfillment of all God’s promises. [1Co 15:26-28 NASB95]

We can properly grieve for loved ones. [1Th 4:13-15 NASB95]

We learn to live soberly.

Our faith in Christ is not just for this world. [1Co 15:19 NASB95]

[1Co 15:33-34 NASB95]

Live with eternity in our hearts. Right perspectives. Right priorities.

We avoid sin.

[1Co 15:34 NASB95]

Understanding that what is done in this life affects the next one is a proper deterrent to sin.

We give ourselves fully to the call of God.

[1Co 15:9-11, 30-32 NASB95]

[1Co 15:58 NASB95]

God wants us to have a proper perspective about life after death so we can live in peace and victory as we pursue the call of God on our lives free of sin and grief.

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