Foundations pt8 – A Healthy Understanding of Hell

Foundations pt8—A Healthy Understanding of Hell

[Heb 6:1-3 NASB95]

[Mat 25:46 NASB95] 46 “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

“You can’t judge me. Only God can judge me.” He will definitely judge us.

There are two particular judgments we are going to deal with. Heaven and hell.

Dr. Sam Storms, “What you and I “like” is utterly and absolutely irrelevant. God doesn’t set his eternal agenda based on what we “prefer.” What we might “hope” to be true simply doesn’t matter. What does or does not make us “feel comfortable” has no bearing on the truth or falsity of this issue. The fact that we have an intuitive sense for what strikes us as “fair” or “just” plays no part whatsoever in coming to a conclusion on whether or not there is an eternal hell. The fact that we may not enjoy the thought of eternal conscious punishment doesn’t make it go away! The fact that you “feel” the existence of hell is inconsistent with your concept of God doesn’t mean there isn’t one. What we “want” or “hope” or “desire” has no relevance at all in this debate. The only important question is, “Does the Bible teach it?” And if the Bible does teach it (and Revelation 14 together with numerous other texts would indicate it does), our responsibility is to believe it and fervently and faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as the only hope sinners have for now and eternity.”

Jesus spoke about hell. Paul spoke about hell. John spoke about hell.

What is a healthy understanding of hell?

These Bible passages give us a healthy understanding of hell.

Second Thessalonians 1:6-10 gives us a healthy understanding of hell.

[2Th 1:6-10 NASB95]

God will deal out retribution.

[Rom 11:22 NASB95]

It is a mistake not to understand the severity of God. He is love, and He is holy.

To those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

C.S. Lewis: There are two kinds of people. Those who say to God, “Thy will be done.” Or those to whom God says, “Thy will be done.”

God, in His love and goodness, gives us the freedom to choose His way or ours.

NOT, good people in heaven and bad people in hell. It is those who are surrendered to Jesus who go to heaven, and everyone is in hell.


We have all sinned. [Rom 3:23 NASB95]

The wages of sin is death (hell) but life only in Jesus Christ. [Rom 6:23 NASB95]

Eternal destruction.

[Mar 9:46 NASB95]

Not annihilationism or conditional immortality.

Away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.

It will happen when He comes.

Matthew 25 gives us a healthy understanding of hell.

[Mat 25:30, 41 NASB95]

Hell will have darkness, weeping, and teeth gnashing. It is not a party.

Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.

[Rev 19:20 NASB95]

[Rev 20:15 NASB95]

Hell was created for the devil. However, everyone who is not a Christian will be there, too.

We do the following when we have a healthy understanding of hell.

We live surrendered to Jesus. [Mat 10:28 NASB95]

We tell people how to avoid hell.

Jesus wants us to have a healthy, Biblical understanding of hell so that we live surrendered to Jesus and are motivated to tell people about Jesus.

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