Times Two pt10—The Supernatural Power of Greed

Times Two pt10—The Supernatural Power of Greed

[2Ki 5:15-27 NASB95]

Greed will connect you to the supernatural. Not the kind of supernatural that you want.

We live in a greedy society. Please long for money. Steal. Do not pay what they owe people.

Gehazi was greedy. It was not time to receive the money. His greed for more things caused him to get leprosy.

What does God want us to know about greed?

Here are three things God wants us to know about greed.

God wants us to know what greed is not.

Greed is not:

Wanted to get paid for work performed including preaching.

[1Ti 5:18 NASB95]

[1Co 9:13-14 NASB95]

Believing for and righteously working for provision and prosperity that God has promised. [Mat 6:28-30, 33 NASB95]

Greed is:

Loving money. [Heb 13:5 NASB95]

Stealing. [Eph 4:28 NASB95]

Not paying what you owe. [Jas 5:4 NASB95]

Ask the Holy Spirit if there is greed in your life.

God wants us to know the effects of greed.

It leads to all kinds of evil. [1Ti 6:10 NASB95]

It connected Gehazi to leprosy.

Not a stretch to believe that greed, along with lying, caused Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, to die. [Act 5:1-10 NASB95]

Greed will keep you from serving God. [Mat 6:24-26 NASB95]

Greed will get you to compromise like Baalam.

[2Pe 2:15 NASB95]

[Jde 1:11 NASB95]

Do not allow greed to stay in your life.

God wants us to know how to free from greed.

Overcome fear of lack by trusting in God for provision and prosperity.

Learn to love people.

Become a generous giver. Giving is the antidote to greed.

God wants you free from the negative supernatural effects of greed by learning to trust God for provision and prosperity as you learn to love people and become a generous giver.

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