Times Two pt3—Miracles Amidst Insecurities

Times Two pt3—Miracles Amidst Insecurities

[2Ki 2:23-25 NASB95]

Too many people allow the enemy to stop them from accomplishing the purpose of God in their lives due to insecurities. Physical. Intellectual. Financial. Or other insecurities.

Elisha had to deal with this early on in his ministry.

How can we see God’s miracles in our lives amidst our own insecurities?

Here are three concepts that are important to see God’s miracles amidst insecurities.

Know that the enemy goes for our insecurities.

V. 23 – Baldness can be a point of insecurity for people. The enemy will go for the “jugular.” He wants to hit you in the place that hurts us the deepest. He wants us to cower. It can be things like here (physical appearance), intellect, finances, family connections, past sins, or any number of areas of insecurity.

To combat that, we need to grow in the fact that God has made us. [Psa 139:13-14 NASB95]

The Apostle Paul provides concepts for dealing with insecurities.

Get your worth and value by the grace of God only. [1Co 15:9-11 NASB95]

Early church fathers give a description of Paul in Greek as a “man of middling size, and his hair was scanty, and his legs were a little crooked, and his knees were far apart; he had large eyes, and his eyebrows met, and his nose was somewhat long.” (https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/bald-blind-and-single)

Scripture gives some confirmation to that fact. [2Co 10:10 NASB95]

Do not allow your insecurities to keep back from what God has called you to do. Allow God to heal them so you can used by God.

God wants us to learn to confront our enemies.

V. 24 – Elisha confronted the lads.

How to confront:

Stand up in boldness. Be healed and confront the issues.

Address this physically and spiritually.

There are times when you deal with the people directly.

Hermeneutics Principles:

Truth in tension: There are times when truth is understanding context. It is not whether you answer but how you answer. There is no guarantee they will listen. [Pro 26:4-5 NASB95]

OT & NT Interpretation – We do not offer bulls and goats because Jesus was the sacrifice. The NT gives progressive revelation over the OT. Jesus would say, “It has been said… but I say to you…” The NT gives progressive revelation for some things.

Descriptive vs. Prescriptive. Judas hung himself after sinning. (Matt. 27:5). Confess sins. (I John 1:8-9)

Prescriptive NT: [Rom 12:14 NASB95]

Descriptive NT:

[1Co 5:5 NASB95]

[1Ti 1:20 NASB95]

Deal with the demon spirits: Demons affect the people who are opposing God’s plan for us.

[Eph 6:12 NASB95]

[Act 16:16-18 NASB95]

Allow God to confront the enemies. [Rom 12:19-21 NASB95]

Trust that God will specifically help you.

V. 24 – Notice the specifics: 2 female bears tore up 42 lads. Given the fact that there are times when the Bible does not provide specifics, the specifics mean something.

[Psa 138:8 NASB95]

[Psa 34:19 NASB95]

God is working all things together for your good. Romans 8:28.

Your miracle may look like God taking care of your opponents.

God does not want you to allow the insecurities that the enemy uses against you to keep you from His purpose in your life as you appropriately confront your enemy and allow God to deliver you.

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