Times Two pt4 – Miracles When You Do Not Know How or When

Times Two pt4—Miracles When You Do Not Know How Or When

[2Ki 3:9-20 NASB95]

One of the most asked questions I get when it comes to answered prayers is, “how is this answer going to come?”

We often do not know the “how” or even the “when”. We do know the “what” and “Who.”

God said He was going to give them water. He did not tell them how or even when.

What does God want from you to experience miracles when you do not know the “how” or the “when”?

Here are seven things God wants you to know to experience miracles when you do not know “how” or “when.”

God wants you to recognize your need for Him.

V.9-10… No water. It seems Jehoram (the evil king of Israel) believed God was against him.

The blessing is in knowing we need Him. [Mat 5:3, 6 NASB95]

Resist thinking you are “ok” without the help of God. [Rev 3:17-18 NASB95]

Miracles happen for those who know they need God. Live in a constant state of needing God.

God wants you to be connected to His Word.

V.11-12 – Jehoshaphat (godly king of Judah) knew they needed a Word from God through a prophet.

Counter-culture point: We need God’s Word preached to us through the 5-fold ministry.

Paul believed we need the Word preached, not just read.

[Rom 1:8, 11, 15 NASB95]

[Rom 10:17 NASB95]

[Eph 4:11-12 NASB95]

To get the Acts blessing, stay with the Acts culture. [Act 2:42, 47 NASB95]

Read the Bible. Stay with a church that has solid teaching of the Word of God.

God wants you to repent.

V. 12-14 – The kings went down to him. Not the normal. Sign of humility. The king of Israel stayed with his belief that God was punishing him.

This is not explicit here, but Elisha calls them to repent (turn to God from sin).

It is explicit here.

John the Baptist. [Mat 3:8 NASB95]

Jesus. [Mat 4:17 NASB95]

Peter. [Act 2:38 NASB95]

Paul. [Act 26:20 NASB95]

Repentance is necessary to experience God’s blessing.

God wants you to stay in an environment of the supernatural.

V. 15 – Elisha created an environment for the Word of God to come.

“When Elisha wanted to become more sensitive to the leading and speaking of the Holy Spirit, he asked for the service of a musician. This demonstrates the great spiritual power in music.” (Guzik)

[Eph 5:19 NASB95]

[Col 3:16 NASB95]

Worship releases the prophetic. [1Ch 25:1-2 NASB95]

“Their ministry in music was not merely the product of good musicianship; it was a gift of the Holy Spirit being exercised through them.” (Guzik)

“…their praise was itself seen as ‘prophecy’ in that it proclaimed God’s word with God’s authority.” (Selman)

Expanded beyond just music. Worship includes preaching, singing, and many other expressions.

Why? Maybe it brings the presence of God and prepares the mind to receive. I do not have to know why I should do it to do it.

Stay in a place of worship. It is more than a song. It can open the door to the supernatural.

God wants you to act like His Word is coming to pass.

V. 16-17 – they had to dig trenches.

“If we expect to obtain the Holy Spirit’s blessing, we must prepare for his reception.” “But the most of people say, ‘Well, you know, of course, if God sends a blessing, we must then enlarge.’ Yes, that is the way of unbelief and the road to the curse. But the way of faith and the road to the blessing is this: God has promised it — we will get ready for it; God is engaged to bless; now let us be prepared to receive the boon. Act not on the mere strength of what you have, but in expectation of that which you have asked.” (Spurgeon)

God wants to live like He will do what He said He will do.

God wants you to have total victory in every area of your life.

V. 18-19 – God did not meet the immediate need. He met the total need.

“God wanted to give them more than immediate provision; He wanted to give them complete victory over their enemies.” (Guzik)

[Deu 28:7 NASB95]

[2Co 2:14 NASB95]

Believe in God turning things around for you.

God wants you to live a sanctified life unto Him.

V. 20 – it was at the morning offering of sacrifice.

[Mat 6:4, 6, 18 NASB95]

Your obedience to give, pray, and fast (among other Christian disciplines) connects you to the reward of the Lord.

God wants us to trust Him to bring the “what” even when we do not know the “how” or the “when.”

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