Times Two pt5 – From Debt To Overflow

Times Two pt5—From Debt to Overflow

[2Ki 4:1-7 NASB95]

“It is not fair!” Many times, we deal with crises that are not our fault.

Ultimately, we all died in Adam. However, through Jesus’ atonement, we are saved. (1 Cor. 15:22)

This situation is different. It is earthly. She did not cause the crisis. Neither God nor Elisha is going to do all the work. She will play a part. She was not only getting out of debt. She was going to live in overflow!

What does this story tell us about living from debt to overflow?

Here are five principles of living from debt to overflow.

An unearned crisis.

V. 1 – this was a debt that her husband left her. Her sons would be taken from you.

Learn to appropriately deal with things that happen to you.

Do not get bitter internally or resentful toward other people; take it to the Lord.

Forsake self-pity. Forgive people. Decide to overcome. Ask God for help.

A conflicted calculation.

V. 2 – she had “nothing,” but she did have something, a little oil.

God has given to us everything. [2Pe 1:2-3 NASB95]

[Exo 4:1-5 NASB95]

Believe that what God has gifted you will help you overcome it.

A work-filled command.

V. 3-4, 7 – she (not Eisha, had to go get the bottles and pour the oil.)

[Jhn 9:6-7 NASB95]

[Phl 2:12-13 NASB95]

God will do a miracle; however, often, it will have your fingerprints on them.

What is your part of the miracle?

Faith-filled containers.

V. 5-6a.

The size of the miracle was directly related to how many vessels she obtained.

“If she borrowed few vessels, she would have but little oil; if she borrowed many vessels they should all be filled, and she should have much oil. She was herself to measure out what she should have; and I believe that you and I, in the matter of spiritual blessings from God, have more to do with the measurement of our mercies than we think. We make our blessings little, because our prayers are little.” (Spurgeon)

[Psa 81:10 NASB95]

Our containers

Prayers – ask big.

Efforts – take heed. Walk. Education. Time. [Col 4:17 NASB95]

Giving – to the measure you give is the measure you receive. [2Co 9:6 NASB95]

Give God all the tools you can to walk in the miracle.

A miracle ceased.

V. 6b. God did not cease the miracle. Nor the devil.

Do not limit God.

[Eph 3:20-21 NASB95]

KJV – “limited” – [Psa 78:41 NASB95]

Do not let anything limit what you believe God wants to do for you.

A few possible limiters:


Lack of prayer.

Lack of effort.

“The principle of this miracle was the same as the principle of the ditches dug in the previous chapter. The amount of man’s work with the miracle determined the amount of blessing and provision actually received. God’s powerful provision invites our hard work and never excuses laziness.” (Guzik)

Act and believe that God wants more for you. Do not make God small.

God will help us overcome all crises, earned and unearned, with overflow. You will live above the crises.

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