Immersed in the Blessing pt6 Negotiate With God

Immersed in the Blessing pt6

Negotiate With God

[Gen 18:22-33 NASB95]

Can a human negotiate with God? Can God relent from doing something He said was going to happen?

Are we just to accept what is going to happen as God’s will?

Part of the blessing on Abraham (and us Gal 3:13-14) is that He had an actual relationship with God. God would tell him something. He would stand in the presence of God and talk to Him about it.

Many people do not understand our position with God. Even when we pray, we don’t ask Him to do things for us. Guzik – our prayers our ineffective because we do not ask God to do anything.

What can we learn about praying with the blessing from Abraham’s negotiation with God?

Here are five powerful truths praying with the blessing of God on us.

God wants us to pray in-line with His nature. V 23

Abraham knew God was just and did not want to destroy Sodom.

Prayers not in line with God will not be answered. [Jas 4:3 NASB95]

Holy Love. The “God is” descriptions.

We pray the names of God because those names reveal His nature (Who He is and what He wants to do.)

God wants us to pray specifically. V 24

Abraham asked God for specific numbers 50, 45, etc.

Jesus asks a blind man what He wants. [Mar 10:49-52 NASB95]

Ask God for things as specifically as your faith will allow.

God wants us to pray with compassion for others. V25

Abraham prayed for the wicked and the righteous. We assume he was asking for his nephew Lot, but we do not know it was limited to Lot.

Abraham was blessed to be a blessing. It was just about him. [Gen 12:1-3 NASB95]

Scripture verses about praying for others.

[Jas 5:16 NASB95]

[Job 42:10 NASB95]

[1Ti 2:1 NASB95]

[Eph 6:18 NASB95]

[Eze 22:30-31 NASB95]

We are called not just to live in the blessing of God, but to be a blessing.

God wants us to pray with a bold humility. V27, 30

Can you imagine standing before God and attempting to get Him to change something He just said?

[Heb 4:16 NASB95]

[Mat 15:22-28 NASB95]

God wants us to pray persistently. V 31, 32

Abraham kept negotiating with God. Why did he stop? No one knows; only guesses. He negotiated the number 6 times.

[Luk 18:1-8 NASB95]

Why do we quit praying? It is not a lack of faith to keep asking. In fact, faith keeps asking!!!

Understanding how to pray with the blessing on us will cause us to pray in-line with His nature, be specific, intercede for others, be bold, and persistent.

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